Monday, April 11, 2016

Looking at Life Through New Eyes

December 21, 2008

Is it the Economy or the Adventure?

This past week I was in Bishkek for a 3-day training seminar on Winter Camps which I and 21 other volunteers are coordinating throughout the country for February.  During dinner one evening, the conversation turned toward what we want to do after September 2010.  I learned I am not alone in my desire to see some more of the world before returning to the States.  While I am looking for a neat way to cruise into retirement—Samoa is looking darned good—the other two volunteers in the conversation are 22.  One wants to teach English in Italy and the other in the Philippines (The latter vol doesn't want to return to the US until she's 30.)  There's also a 33 year old vol who wants to teach in Brazil after this.  Somehow I don't think we're the only four over here who feel this way.

So, is it the state of the economy, the adventure of living abroad or a sense of wanting to do more with your life than “working for the man”?  None of us knows what the economy will look like in two years, although we're all hopeful, and somewhat confident, it will be better.  Even so, I got the distinct feeling that even if it is, the three of us would still feel as we do today.      

“The Economy or the Adventure” illustrates vividly how deeply and immediately the PC had impacted my life and that of many of my peers. You will also notice a thematic overlap in many of my scribblings, especially living abroad, how it seeped into my being, and age as it related to my fellow volunteers. Being immersed into Kyrgyz culture confirmed a desire that began in college and had never left me; indeed, it only served to intensify it.

In the book: cultural immersion and how it affected my thoughts about living abroad; what part of cultural immersion I never grasped; and where are the four people I mentioned in the email today?