Monday, April 11, 2016

What the Holidays Mean to Me

December 18, 2008


I’ve lived for 54 Christmases counting next week; the first fifty-three with my family.  (Two were celebrated in January. 1995 and 2001.)  This will be the first one I will not celebrate with them at all.  I will phone, but it won't be the same.  No Christmas music.  No kapusta or Polish sausage or ham.  No laughter.  (For 50 years that I can remember my father has told us to save the wrapping paper from the gifts. We do save the ribbons.) 

I am obviously not one for sameness in my life, but the one event that has been almost identical—save for the passing on of family members—has been Christmas.  And that's been just fine with me.  But, now, I'll miss two in a row.  No matter where I live after the Peace Corps, I'll do my best to resume the one tradition that has meant so much to me.

To everybody on this list, I truly hope you're able to share the holidays with your family, or close friends, at the very least. Happy holidays and may 2009 be your best year yet!

So many things we vow to do throughout our lives, only to see them unfulfilled for years. My string of Christmases away from my family stands at eight and counting.

In the book: what holidays mean to me and how I felt when I spent Thanksgiving with my family in 2015, only my 2nd in over 20 years.