Monday, January 11, 2016

Kyrgyz Language Lessons

July 10, 2008

Kyrgyz Language Lessons

Six hours of class today and my head was fittin' to explode. One volunteer left the room in tears because of frustration, but returned a short while later. Beginning next week the classes trim back to 3 hours, six days a week. Our teacher is a sweetheart. She’s tough, but patient and understanding. We'll get it, I'm sure, but it ain't gonna be easy.

At chai today I met the grandmother (chong apah). I think she was upset I didn't arrive in Kyrgyzstan fluent in the language so she started picking up objects like candy and a cracker and telling me the names. I'm telling you, everybody is in help mode over here. It’s quite refreshing, actually.

I live life in a fishbowl in my village. Everybody in the neighborhood learned a few weeks ago that the American was coming, but I'm still a major curiosity. People stare from the moment they recognize I'm not from around here and hold the gaze until I'm out of sight. (I'm told the African-American volunteers have it even worse. People will approach them and touch their skin and hair.)

Still, I'm more comfortable than yesterday and will become more so with each passing day. That's good enough for me.

NOTE: I may only get to post once a week while in training, on Wednesdays. Additional postings will be bonus material. 

Within a few weeks one the trainess made these classes the worst experience of my entire two years and kept the rest of us (3 others) from realizing our full potential with Kyrgyz. I also tell how the PC capitualted to this trainee when they could have easily solved the siuation. Learn how and why in the book.