Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Peace Corps Called and I Answered!!!

May 12, 2008

The Peace Corps Called and I answered!!!

Hello to all,
It’s hard for me to believe that I’m going to be living a dream I’ve held for 30 years, but it’s true. Beginning on July 3rd, and for the next 27 months, I will be a university English teacher in The Kyrgyz Republic, formerly a part of the Soviet Union.  I won’t know what city until I get there, but I’ve been told it will be a large one. I am so excited and scared to death at the same time. I’ll have to learn Russian, which means a new alphabet, too. Read more about what I know so far at the following link, as I will be blogging my experiences at the link you'll see below my name. (Please make this a favorite and pass the link on to anyone you might think would like to hear my life and experiences in the PC in a faraway land.  You'll probably have to copy and paste the link in your browser.)

I am looking to sublet my apartment so if you know anybody who is apartment hunting, have them contact me and I’ll discuss it with them.

Please keep me in your thoughts as you will be in mine (in between Russian lessons).

In the book I explain why it took me 30 years to make my dream come true and how many times I attempted to join before I finally did.