Here is the direct link to the book:
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Thoughts
Saturday, January 14, 2017
Sunday, September 11, 2016
The Book Is For Sale
Today I can say I've accomplished a life goal by writing a book. That it's topic is another life goal, one I held on to for 30 years, makes it all the more special. "Mail from Kyrgyzstan: My Life As An Over-50 Peace Corps Volunteer" is available on in every country they have a presence. It's totally affordable at $4.49USD for the digital edition and $15.99 for the paperback. People from 50 countries viewed the blog I kept while writing the book at least once. I truly hope they have access to an Amazon wherever they live.
I'm an old guy and marketing the book on Facebook is as far as I can go. Any help you can give by tweeting, hooting and hollering about it will be greatly appreciated. Writing a nice review will be equally appreciated. Thanks in advance for your support.
Whether I sell a few copies or a lot the journey of writing the book has been life affirming for me. My Peace Corps experience made me a better person and I strive every day to continue to improve.
Saturday, September 3, 2016
November 9, 2009
I Want to Pull My Hair
punctual. I'm not usually on time. I'm usually early. I can't
help it. I remember having to be at a play reading in Manhattan at 6 pm. These
things never start on time so being punctual was not a necessity. I knew
it usually took me about 40 minutes to get there. I left my apartment at
5:30. Wouldn't you know a train was pulling into every station where I
needed one. I arrived at 5:55. Even when I try to be late, I
can't. But, don't think I'm the King of Early. That would be my
takes a different meaning in Kyrgyzstan depending on the situation. Classes
always start on time. Meetings sometimes do; often times don't. Social
events? Fugeddaboutit. A 5 pm party will rarely begin before 6. Closer
to 7 most likely. I've learned to time my departures accordingly.
there's one aspect of time that drives me wild. If a student can't make a private
class they never call to say they can't. They just don't show up. If
they're going to be late, they simply arrive when they can. I guess they
think our classes are a social event, and in many ways they are, but they
should still let me know of any schedule changes. I tell them that this is
inconsiderate and unprofessional, you know, trying to impress upon them that
they can't do this in the real world after college. A couple have learned
very well. The others...?
think I know where this behavior originated. It stems from living in
country which until recently had little access to technology. Even in a
city like Talas, many people still don't have a land line in their house or
apartment. Someone in the family probably has a cell phone, but that
doesn't mean there are units on it to make a call. The most common excuse
for not calling someone, for whatever reason, is “I had no units.” No cell
plans here. It's pay as you call. Actually, I like it. Cell
phones are still relatively new here. Five years ago barely anybody
outside of Bishkek had one because cell towers hadn't been built out in the
sticks. Village residents have neither type of phone, especially if they
live in a remote or mountainous area. Anyway, what I'm getting at is this:
the ability to notify someone that you'll be absent or late is a relatively new
option. And the importance of doing so hasn't reached high priority status
Frustrating? Yeah,
for an on-time guy like me. End of the world? Nope. After all,
the commodity in largest supply for a volunteer is time. What upsets me
most are the lost classes. Classes I really want to teach and they need.
People definitely treat time differently in the
countries I’ve lived in and traveled to since 2008 than in the US. I can
attribute a large portion of the decrease in my stress level to letting go of
my frustration concerning time. I had two choices in Kyrgyzstan: fight a losing
battle or change the way I look at time. I chose the latter. I don’t believe
I’ve accomplished less because a meeting starts an hour late or an appointment
is rescheduled three times.
We’re taught that time wasted can’t be
recovered, which is true, but that doesn’t mean if you’re not losing time that
you’re achieving anything of vast, or even minimal, importance. Americans are
professional time wasters. And when that work appointment was canceled, what were
you doing during that time? At the turn of the century, people would read a
newspaper, surf the web or go outside for a smoke break. In 2016, playing
Spider Solitaire comes to mind, or messaging on FB or WhatsApp. I wonder how
many people fill it with something useful.
I’m still an on-time guy. The difference is I
have e-books and Duolingo, the language learning app, on my phone in case I
have to wait for someone to arrive. (And, yes, Spider Solitaire, too) I also
have a notepad app so I can write if ideas pop into my head. These are much
more pleasant activities than looking at your cell phone for the time every two
minutes while your anger percolates to a boil so when your late arriver finally
shows, the first thing you do is ignore them, make a sarcastic remark or, worse
yet, yell, ensuring the meeting or evening’s plans will not be very enjoyable.
Forgetting about punctuality in others and preparing yourself for a wait will
eliminate so much stress in your life it will surprise you. I know. Man, does
that sound like a self-help book, or what? “Your Way to a Stress Free Life.”
Dr. Wayne Dyer would be proud of me.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Did I Find a Girlfriend?
9, 2009

Three Types of
friend, the assistant to our Country Director recently told me volunteers,
after a sufficient time at site, fall into one of three social
categories. They either hang out mostly with fellow volunteers, surround
themselves with locals or a combination of the two. I fall into the second
category. I correspond with one volunteer. She lives in a
village in Naryn and one of the many things we have in common is she doesn't
keep company with the vols in her oblast, either. The reasons that we don't
differ, but we've both found contentment in having all Kyrgyz and Russian
was victimized by a false rumor (the #1 activity of PCVs is gossiping). I
simply decided not to spend my two years of service chumming around with people
I can find in Brooklyn. Additionally, I have little in common with
know-it-all 22 year-old white males. I was one at one time. You may say I have even less in
common with my Kyrgyz friends, but I would disagree. We share a
sincere desire to learn about each other's culture. The biggest obstacle I
face is their age. Most of them are early 20's and their life experience
is limited. In spite of this, they've enlightened me in many ways.
The volunteer
in Naryn (hereafter referred to as “N”) and I messaged constantly and spoke on
the phone often. I found her a refreshing voice in the sea of GenXer’s. She
lived in a village so didn’t have volunteers around her like I did and enjoyed
her Kyrgyz family and friends. I felt she was ok with that, very similar to me.
I never
intended to look for or find a girlfriend in the PC, either a volunteer or
Kyrgyz national. I wanted to fulfill my service and move on, but as the
universe often overrules our wants and desires, I developed an attraction to N,
and when we had group meetings, I truly cherished the opportunities to talk
face to face. I sensed that she might have felt the same for me, but I wasn’t
sure. In time we spoke of meeting in Bishkek to hang out for a weekend.
In the
book: Did we meet or did I chicken out?
Sunday, August 7, 2016
School Project Funded
August 3, 2009
School Project Funded
to everyone who donated to the school project. I know tough times
exist for many people and families, so your sacrifice is doubly
appreciated. The money should be in my bank account within two
weeks. Then, my counterpart and I will travel to Bishkek to purchase
the goods. When school starts, the students will be able to use
their new TV, DVD player, computer and printer. The director has
promised to give us Internet access, too.
mystery remains regarding the funding of the project. When I wrote
last week that the deadline for donations was 31 July, we still needed a
little over $700. On the 29th I went to check the
web site and I couldn't find my project. This meant it had been
fully funded! But, by whom? One individual? Or
did several donations come in over a span of two or three days? It's
not important, but my curiosity is killing me. I'm supposed to get a
printout listing all the donors, so that may solve it because I think I know
who gave up to last week.
be taking a photo of the new English Resource Center and including it in a
future Mail from Kyrgyzstan. I'm going to see if I can record a
group thank you by the students and include that, too.
When I first arrived at my new school in March
2009 I asked Anara where we’d find the English Department offices. She laughed
and led me to a room on the second floor, rectangular, maybe 8x20, and said,
“Here we are.” It also doubled as her classroom. The ancient blackboard was
three-foot square. I found no teaching/learning tools. Four teachers shared one
totally tattered Russian/English text book, circa 1984. I knew something needed
to be done, equipment and reference books purchased, but it wasn’t going to
happen in that room. With a long table and chairs on each side there was barely
room enough to walk from one end of the room to the other.
I told Anara that the Peace Corps had a program
whereby we could raise money for a computer, printer, TV, DVD player and books,
but we’d need a different room. She would ask the director. Not sure when he
gave us a new room on the first floor, not much bigger than the one we had
previously, but sufficiently large enough for the new equipment and room for
students. I was able to set up the project on what would now be GoFundMe or
Kickstarter. Alas, at that time I hadn’t created a Facebook page, so I had to
rely on my personal Gmail contact list, about 60 people. As I recall, we needed
about $1400 and I was certain that I’d have to cover any shortfall; I had a
figure of $600-800 in mind.
Projects had a certain number of days to be
funded and I can’t remember how many. I do know that our deadline was July 31st.
I visited the website on the 29th and couldn’t find the project.
This meant that it had been fully funded, but how could that be? I had checked
a couple of days prior and we still needed about $700. I rebooted the computer
thinking maybe I’d run into a technical malfunction. Still no project. I had no
idea what was going on.
Turns out someone had donated the large amount
we needed, a gentleman from West Hartford, CT. I had no idea who he was or why he
chose my project, but angels do exist. That started me thinking that maybe
there was a group people, maybe Returned Peace Corps Volunteers or folks who
loved what the PC did and stood for that funded projects that needed cash and
had a deadline looming. I learned the man’s name and my sister was able to get
an email address for him. I sent him a thank you email, but didn’t dig for
further information because why he donated wasn’t important to me. He didn’t
want any thanks. He just did what he likes to do. And my school, the teachers
and students and I were the grateful beneficiaries of his largesse.
The room was renamed the English Language
Resource Center (that’s close if not exact). The printer was meant to be an
income stream that would allow for the purchase of paper and ink for future
copies, and books and DVD’s if we ever earned that much. Business was brisk as
students always needed copies of documents and homework. At 2 soms per copy the
money was adding up quickly. Sadly, while I taught there, we never purchased
another DVD beyond what came with the initial project money, because the income
stream flowed directly into Anara’s pocket. She was now a small business owner
of sorts. While her action disappointed me, it did not surprise me. People must
take advantage of every opportunity to make money in a country of low wages. I
call it Survival Corruption.
I wonder if any of the original equipment still
works, or if it’s even there anymore? I sent Anara an email asking for an
update. The TV doesn’t work, but the computer and printer still do. As for any photos of the equipment, the vanished when my computer crashed in early 2010.
Thursday, July 28, 2016
An Opportunity Denied
Now that summer is here,
life slows down considerably. At
least for the volunteers it does. So,
there may not be much to report until school starts in September. But, what I do think of or come
across, I'll send to you. Starting
with the next email, I'll send some of the photos I took during my first year
One of the best English
speakers I've met is a university bound girl named Baktigul. She attended the Turkish Lyceum in
town and placed 3rd in
the country at the English Olympiad in Bishkek in March. She wanted to attend college in
Malaysia, but her father said nyet. Then
she asked if she could go to school in Turkey. Again, dad said jok. When she asked if it would be okay to
attend our summer overnight camp for a week to serve as a translator, once
again, dad said no. Here's
my question. The Lyceum is
the best secondary school in Talas. It's
also expensive, too expensive for most families. So, if Baktigul's father made the
financial sacrifice to make sure his daughter get the best education possible,
why is he stifling her further advancement? Baktigul will attend the Turkish
university in Bishkek this fall. While
it's a good school, I'm sure she could've attended better if dad had been more
After I wrote the above
paragraph I took a walk to buy some food and I got to thinkin' maybe I was too
hard on the old man. Denying his daughter's request for Singapore might
have had something to do with distance or finances. It's one thing to come up with high
school tuition, quite another for a university in another country. As for the summer camp, that could've
been a cultural decision. Maybe
he didn't want his beautiful 17 year old daughter in a co-educational
environment for a week. (The
Lyceum is divided into two campuses, one for each gender, and they are nowhere
near each other.) But the
Turkey decision baffles me a bit. One
of the benefits of attending the Turkish schools around the world (they're in
at least 110 countries) is that you can study at a Turkish university for free.
This email revealed my lack of knowledge about Asia, Singapore, in
particular. That would change a few years later during my second trip to Turkey
where I met two lovely young women from Singapore. We stayed in contact and I
spent two days with them as part of my Malaysia holiday several months later.
Singapore rivals any expensive city in the world. When I asked the girls about
teaching there, they told me to forget it, that I’d have to give up my
traveling as the bulk of my salary would go towards my rent. Food was high,
too, except for Chinatown. I paid $20 for a medium cheese pizza. (The Singapore
$ is equal to the USD.) Now, I can see a very valid reason why Baktygul’s
father denied her the opportunity to study in Singapore. Even with free
tuition, he likely didn’t possess the wealth to handle living expenses and air
travel. Her father was a lawyer, but he wasn’t super wealthy. Nobody is in
Kyrgyzstan unless you’re related to or a good friend of the president.
Also in the book, opportunities for girls in Kyrgyzstan.
Thursday, July 14, 2016
The President is Coming to Town
May 24, 2009
for the Prez
A countrywide sports competition for teenagers who live in
villages is taking place in Talas.
Opening ceremonies were last evening and the games begin today. All week the word was the president of
Kyrgyzstan would be here for the opening.
So, in preparation, many classes at the technical college and the
university were canceled for the week so the students could make the stadium
sparkle. And it wasn't only the
stadium. Seems like everybody was out
sweeping and picking up litter (a HUGE problem in our city). Residents whitewashed walls and curbs and
miracle of miracles, potholes were filled.
Guess when the mayor thinks the president is coming to town, the money
for road repair magically appears. It's
a safe bet that without the sports games, they wouldn't have been.
The city is the cleanest I've ever seen it. I'm thinking the last time it was this clean
was the last time the president was rumored to be visiting.
The opening ceremonies were pretty cool. Each of the seven oblasts paraded their
athletes past the crowd just like in the Olympics with Talas getting the
loudest welcome, naturally. There were
singers and dancers dressed in traditional Kyrgyz costumes. The few speeches we had to endure were
short. I was glad to see female athletes
will be participating in volleyball. (This is such a male dominated culture
that I would not have been surprised if there weren't any girls.) I hope to get out to see some events before
Wednesday when the games end.
And the president? He sent
his Minister of Sports instead. Big
letdown. Really wanted to see him in
You’ll notice I haven’t
talked much about politics in my emails, mostly because I figured if the Kyrgyz
government really was reading them, I’d err on the side of caution. No sense
calling the president a callous corrupt jerk, thereby ending my PC service with
a comment everybody knew and most agreed with.
In the book I talk about the peoples' attitudes regarding their president and compare it to what I experienced in China.
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